Summer 2019 Update

Hey! It’s me. Just wanted to give a little update on what’s been going on this summer since…a lot has been going on.

Audiobooks - I released two audiobooks! You can grab Balam, Spring and The Narrows in audio form now, narrated by Mary Hildebrandt and Scott R. Smith, respectively.

Here’s what one reviewer said about Balam, which you can grab at Amazon, Audible, or iTunes:

The narrator, Mary Hildebrandt, did a fantastic job here, in my opinion. She has a pleasant sounding voice for one, but narrates in a way that you can hear the smile in her voice at times when it’s appropriate, and she made each character unique. There are also parts of this book that are legitimately feels-inducing, and she definitely induced those feels in me. There is a character who is manic AF and talks a mile a minute, and she narrated him just wonderfully. All told, she made it very easy to just turn the book on and listen to it for hours at a time.

And The Narrows is getting praise as well, so grab it from Amazon, Audible, or iTunes:

Riddle's ability to create interesting and believable characters is amazing. I cared about Oliver, Sophie and Davontae from the very beginning. The horror elements in the story are balanced, they blend naturally with the poignant internal struggles Oliver experiences and the heart-warming interactions he has with his friends.

Book 4 - I finished the first draft of my next book! There’s still a lot of work to do, but I’ve got a plan and rough timeline, so I believe it’s on track to release this Fall. Assuming I don’t majorly screw anything up. It takes place in the same world as Balam, albeit with a whole new set of characters in a different country. It’s a fun, weird adventure and I’m excited to give it some polish and unleash it on the world!

Newsletter - I started a newsletter so that you can be up to date with all my happenings. You can find the sign-up on my homepage. I won’t be emailing you often, so don’t worry about spam. Every once in a while I’ll send something out letting you know about progress on new books, when there’s a sale going on, cover art reveals, release dates, fun stuff like that. There also miiiiight be some cool freebies in the future for subscribers, so be sure to pop that email address in!

Anyway, that’s it for now. I’ll have some more news about book 4 in the near future, I hope. In the meantime, check out those audiobooks and subscribe to the newsletter! And as always, if you check out any of these books: first of all, thank you so much; and second of all, if you have time please leave a rating and possibly a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. They truly help indie authors a great deal, so I’d appreciate it a ton!

See you soon ~
