NaNoWriMo 2016, Week 2

I don't really write on the weekends (for whatever stupid reason), so I was probably already running behind other people when this week started, but oh well. Despite a pretty terrible Wednesday (both mentally and writing-ly), I managed to make a pretty dang good amount of progress this week. Even more than during week one! I also made an account on the NaNoWriMo website, so you can add me as a writing buddy if you'd like by clicking here.

Day Five (11/07). Inspiration wasn't really coming when I started writing in the morning and then I had about an hour-long interruption, but I somehow ended my writing day with the most words I've done in a single day so far this month! Got 5,498 down and finished off chapter two. The pacing and structure of this book so far is much different than Wondrous, which is both weird and exciting. But I'm roughly 50 pages into the book (after a prologue and two chapters) and still haven't even introduced the third main character yet, so we'll see if she makes her first appearance in chapter three. If not, she'll definitely be here by four. 

Day Six (11/08). Only about 2,400 words today, wasn't really feeling it. Not sure why. But I got a bit done, and what little I wrote today was originally going to be chapter three but I decided to move it to the end of chapter two instead. Fits better there, I think. Need to introduce our third main character soon, though.

Day Seven (11/09). Truthfully, the results of the election left me...less than motivated to write this day. But I felt like I should still get something on the page, no matter how little, so I jumped ahead in the book and wrote the death scene I had planned because that felt most appropriate. 

Day Eight (11/10). After having no motivation to write the day before, I managed to get through about 5,500 words, writing the entirety of chapter three. Which, I am happy to report, introduced our third main character! Now the gang's all gathered here in town and things can really start kicking off. 

Day Nine (11/11). I had the day off work so I woke up, took the dog out, and sat myself in front of the computer to write. Managed to write a little over 3,700 words, maybe half or two-thirds of chapter four, and I'm pretty pleased with what I got on the page!

WORD COUNT: 32,033.

Media I've Enjoyed This Week Instead of Writing Like I Should've Been

Childish Gambino announced his new album Awaken, My Love! and released the opening track from it, which I really enjoy. I'm super excited for an entire album of tracks like this on December 2nd. Already got my copy pre-ordered.

I also went to an advance screening of Arrival, which has become one of my favorite movies of the year. A really engrossing, beautiful sci-fi film that I suggest you check out. Denis Villeneuve continues to cement himself as one of my favorite working filmmakers. 

And finally, for TV, the new season of Red Oaks premiered on Amazon today. I've only checked out the first couple episodes so far, but I'm already really enjoying it and am glad to have this show back. It seems to not have a huge following, which is a shame. If you're an Amazon Prime subscriber in search of a good comedy, you should check it out.